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O'Connor Chiropractic Podcasts

Episode 12 – The history of chiropractic

20 minutes | Sunday, 20 August 2023

Pete Egerton returns to Station parade in Harrogate for a final time to chat to doctor Jason O’Connor for the latest episode of the O’Connor Chiropractic podcast.

Did you know that chiropractic dates all the way back to 19th Century?

The very first adjustment cured one man’s deafness and so of course, many thought it was the magic cure to ALL deafness… it wasn’t and still isn’t to this day.

However, as time went by, those practising chiropractic quickly discovered that it could help individuals with their overall health, even though at one stage, it was made illegal!

Jason is also getting set to celebrate 20 years as a chiropractor and loves nothing better than helping families across the Harrogate district…

Episode 12 – The history of chiropractic
O'Connor Chiropractic Podcasts

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