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What's it like joining Harrogate Grammar Sixth Form as a new student?

It's a daunting task to leave and join another school at the age of 16. So what's it like joining the Sixth Form at Harrogate Grammar School?

We hear from Sixth Form students at Harrogate Grammar School about what it's like to join as a new student. Harrogate Grammar are holding a Virtual Open Event for their Sixth Form on Thursday 12th November. It's never an easy task to leave one school and join another, particularly at the age of 16. Not only are you leaving behind friends and familiar faces, but joining a whole new community of people at Sixth Form level - and that can be very daunting. So what is it like to join a completely new school? The Sixth Form at Harrogate Grammar School pride themselves on a welcoming atmosphere, modern facilities, outstanding teaching and excellent results - and it's the sense of community and inclusion that 17-year-old Eddie noticed immediately upon joining the school. Having moved from Leeds to join the Sixth Form at Harrogate Grammar, he told Your Harrogate what it was like coming into a completely new environment:

"I was really nervous to start with - I remember coming along to the Open Day and it was packed with people that already went to the school. "One thing I noticed straight away was that everyone was just really welcoming - the teachers, the staff, the students, everyone was really inclusive and they don't like to see anyone by themselves."
[video width="1920" height="1080" mp4="https://vouchers.yourharrogate.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/HGS_Sixth-Form-promo-video-final-1.mp4"][/video] Eddie added:
"It was a big change coming from a school in Leeds that was quite busy and crowded, but to come into a smaller Sixth Form with a lot more attention, it was scary, but it was new, fun and interesting."
The Sixth Form at Harrogate Grammar School allow new students to become a part of the large and successful learning community at the school, whilst receiving additional opportunities to develop leadership, to volunteer and to enhance their employability. Betsy, 16, spoke about the support available from teachers when it comes to planning for the future:
"The teachers here at the school have been amazing, they always give you the support you need - and it's not just within lessons but outside as well, asking you where you want to be and what you want to do in the future."

Harrogate Grammar’s Virtual Open Event

The virtual open event will take place on Thursday 12th November, and will offer students and parents the opportunity to hear from the Director of Sixth Form and Headteacher of Harrogate Grammar School, see subject presentations, meet students and experience the first class facilities navigating round a 3D tour. They have a large team dedicated to supporting students throughout their Sixth Form journey, offering specialist academic guidance, careers advice, and welfare support. With 40 subjects to choose from, students are offered support and guidance that enables each individual to achieve their potential. In addition, the Sixth Form provides specialist pathways such as Medical Sciences; Business & Enterprise; Education, Training & Public Services; STEM; Art & Creative Industries and Law. The Sixth Form facilities, including a fully refurbished study centre and enhanced social space, along with the use of iPads for learning provide a stimulating and inspiring environment for students as they pursue the exciting experience of Sixth Form life. To find out more about Harrogate Grammar School or for more details on their Virtual Open Event, head to their website. Alternatively contact the school on 01423 535235 or email sixthform@harrogategrammar.co.uk Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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