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Police commander warns against Covid complacency: “We’ve got to keep going”

North Yorkshire Police Superintendent Mike Walker is warning residents against complacency as the Covid rate of infection continues to fall across the county. The rate of infection for North Yorkshire is currently at 89 cases per 100,000 people, whilst this figure for Harrogate is currently at 94. But despite recording the lowest figures since the turn of the year, Supt Walker is urging residents to "keep going" and continue sticking to the rules:

"News that infection rates are reducing in all parts of North Yorkshire and the City of York is greatly heartening. This is down to the collective effort within our communities and all the agencies working together. "This is not the time to become complacent about the coronavirus. We’ve got to keep going and make sure all the hard work and sacrifice has been for the worthwhile purpose – protecting our loved ones and returning to the lifestyle we have taken for granted in the past."
[caption id="attachment_6991" align="alignnone" width="2243"] Lockdown 3 notices issued since 9th February 2021 (Table: northyorkshire.police.uk)[/caption] Supt Walker's warning comes after the busiest week of the third lockdown for Covid rule-breakers, with 186 fixed penalty notices (FPNs) issued in the last seven days. He added:
“As for the reckless minority who think the regulations do not apply to them, we will continue to actively target these blatant breaches, while providing a highly-visible and reassuring presence for the wider community who are doing the right thing and helping to tackle this public health crisis.”
Currently, 826 FPNs have issued since the third lockdown began on 6th January 2021, meaning rule-breakers in the past week make up 22% of total fines issued for lockdown 3. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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