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Petition started to include transport workers in priority groups for Covid-19 vaccine

A petition to include transport workers in priority groups for the Covid-19 vaccine has already reached over 8,500 signatures. Currently the vaccination process prioritises residents in care homes, those who are over 80 years old and frontline health and social care workers. But the new petition calls for people who work in public transport to be included in this group, as they come into contact with many people every day. https://twitter.com/harrogatebus/status/1354878662403887108 Harrogate Bus Company CEO Alex Hornby has already backed the idea:

"Help us make our voice heard. Sign this and support all the hard-working bus workers here at Transdev and up and down the country. They’ve been there for us, now let’s support them."
The petition, which is already gaining pace in less than 24 hours, will need to reach 10,000 signatures before the government will respond to it. If it then reaches 100,000 signatures, it will be considered for debate in Parliament. The petition and more information can be found here. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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