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Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine set to be rolled out in North Yorkshire

The Oxford-AstraZeneca Coronavirus vaccine will start to be delivered to vaccination centres across North Yorkshire in the coming days.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca Coronavirus vaccine will start to be delivered to vaccination centres across North Yorkshire in the next couple of days.

The government are stepping up efforts to deploy the vaccine across the country as the rate of infection continues to rise at an alarming rate. And the new vaccine can be stored at higher temperatures than the Pfizer vaccine, making it easier to deploy to more locations across the UK. The Government aims to have upwards of 700 sites across the country up and running and able to deliver the jab by the end of the week. [caption id="attachment_5181" align="alignnone" width="2048"] The Oxford vaccine can be stored at higher temperatures, making it easier to transport.[/caption] What is the Oxford vaccine and how does it work? The Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is made from a weakened version of a common cold virus. It has been modified to look more like coronavirus - although it can't cause illness. When the vaccine is injected, it prompts the patient's immune system to produce antibodies and primes it to attack any coronavirus infection. Research has already shown it is highly effective and, unlike Pfizer's jab which has to be kept at an extremely cold temperature (-70C), the Oxford vaccine can be stored in a normal fridge. So how does it work? 1. Scientists take genes for the spike protein on the surface of the Covid-19 and put them into a harmless virus to make a vaccine. 2. This vaccine is then injected into the patient. 3. The vaccine enters cells which then start to produce the spike protein. 4. The body's immune system reacts and produces antibodies, activating T-cells to destroy cells with the spike protein. 5. If the patient later catches Covid-19, antibodies and T-cells are triggered to fight the virus! Read more about the deployment of the Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine via the government website here. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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