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Free parking initiative coming to Harrogate this December

A new car parking initiative is coming to Harrogate this December, allowing motorists to park in the centre of town for free! Harrogate BID are launching their 'free after three' scheme, where motorists arriving after 3pm will be able to park for free in the Victoria Car Park on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, between December 7th and 24th. The initiative is the second from Harrogate BID following their support of Harrogate Bus Company's 'Sunday Freeway' that will see free bus journeys around Harrogate on Sundays. [caption id="attachment_1941" align="alignnone" width="2201"] The 'free after three' initiative is the second from Harrogate BID after their 'Sunday freeway' scheme with Harrogate Bus Company.[/caption] Harrogate BID Acting Chairman Sara Ferguson said:

"Because of the lockdown, traders in the town have already lost a month’s worth of business and are playing catchup. "We are teaming up with Harrogate Borough Council to offer free parking in the town’s Victoria Car Park for the first four days of the week for those arriving after 3pm. "These are traditionally the quietest days of the week, and it’s hoped by doing this we can help drive customers into town in a safe and responsible manner. And by encouraging motorists to park off-street it will hopefully assist with social distancing measures too."
Further information about Harrogate BID is available from its website, http://harrogatebid.co.uk/ Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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