Work has started to convert Harrogate’s former Slug and Lettuce bar into retail units and apartments.
Works begin to convert former Slug and Lettuce bar in Harrogate Work has started to convert Harrogate’s former Slug and Lettuce bar into retail units and apartments. The bar on Montpellier Parade closed in May 2021 and has remained unoccupied since. But in February this year, Harrogate Borough Council approved plans to convert the building into a combination of retail units and apartments. The ground floor of the building will be subdivided into four units which will be a combination of retail and food and drink. The upper floors will be converted into five flats. Rebecca Micallef was the economy and transport officer for Harrogate Borough Council when the plans were approved. She said the work will “improve the active frontage” and “attract new businesses” into the key town centre location. She added:
“The introduction of upper floor residential seems to be appropriate at this location and will add to the vibrancy of the town centre, supporting both its daytime and evening economy.”Slug and Lettuce occupied the building for just under 30 years before closing its doors in May 2021. (Main image credit: Jeanie Strain) Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.