A special 'Dementia Bus' is coming to Harrogate as part of World Alzheimer’s Month.
The bus will be parked outside Home Instead’s office on North Park Road on Friday 23rd August from 10am until 4:30pm.
It will offer visitors a “full virtual sensory experience” on what it is like to live with dementia.
It’s part of the worldwide Dementia Tour, which was invented 25 years ago.
A spokesperson for Home Instead said:
“It is the only scientifically and medically proven method of giving a person with a healthy brain an experience of what dementia might be like.”
The experience provided by the mobile is a scientifically and medically proven way of replicating dementia.
Those who undergo it begin with gearing up: goggles, headphones and spiky insoles.
They’re then asked to perform various tasks, but with a twist.
Distorted vision, loud noises and sensory overload all recreate what it’s like to have dementia.
A spokesperson for Home Instead added:
"Suddenly, those everyday tasks we take for granted aren’t so simple.
"It’s no surprise that some people are reduced to tears when they undergo the experience and see just how tough life is for their loved one."
Two sessions are available, from 10am until 1pm and from 1:30pm until 4:30pm. Tickets are £25 per person.
Spaces are limited can be booked by emailing office@harrogate.homeinstead.co.uk.