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Popular zero-waste shop in Harrogate now in a brand new location

The Refilling Station, who are committed to reducing single-use plastic, has relocated in Harrogate as the town embraces zero-waste shopping. 

A local business committed to reducing single-use plastic has moved to a more prominent location as Harrogate embraces zero-waste shopping. 'The Refilling Station', which was on Grove Road in Harrogate, has now relocated to a larger premises on Cold Bath Road due to popular demand. The business operate by asking customers to bring their own containers to buy their products, with items such as household cleaning products, dried food and toiletries available in store. [caption id="attachment_2687" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] The Refilling station aims to cut back on single-use plastic and encourage zero waste shopping![/caption] Manager of the Refilling Station Harrogate Lydia Ross has been so pleased with the reception the shop has received:

"It was nice to receive the welcome we had on Cold Bath Road - I've got to know some of the other shop owners, and loads of new customers who didn't even know we existed! "We've also had quite a few tourists as well, people on holiday coming in and then wishing there was a similar shop where they live!
[caption id="attachment_2689" align="alignnone" width="1600"] Some of the products available at the Refilling Station, including household cleaning products, dried food and toiletries.[/caption] Having only opened in November 2019, Lydia believes the concept behind the shop is what is proving popular among the Harrogate community:
"We want to cut down and single-use plastic and make use of what people already have... I think we've really sparked something."
The Refilling Station is now at a new premises on Cold Bath Road in Harrogate - find them online or on Facebook. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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