Cash Access UK has today confirmed that the new Banking Hub in Knaresborough will be located at 15 Kirkgate, Bowling Green Yard.
New banking hub location confirmed in Knaresborough Cash Access UK has today confirmed that the new Banking Hub in Knaresborough will be located at 15 Kirkgate, Bowling Green Yard. The Hub, when it opens, will offer a counter service operated by the Post Office, where customers of all major banks and building societies can carry out regular cash transactions. It will also offer a Community Banker service where customers can talk to their own banking provider about more complicated issues, Monday to Friday, 9.00 - 5.00pm. Community Bankers will work on rotation, with a different bank or building society available on each day of the week. They are usually provided by the banking providers with the most customers in the local area. A schedule will be confirmed nearer the time. Andrew Jones, MP for Harrogate and Knaresborough:
"When the Hub opens it will be invaluable to residents of Knaresborough, especially to those who rely on cash and face-to-face banking. "The confirmation of the location is a great step forward for the community, and I look forward to hearing more updates."Cash Access UK is an organisation set up to protect nationwide access to cash. Gareth Oakley, CEO at Cash Access UK:
"We know the new Banking Hub has been eagerly anticipated by the local community and so we’re delighted we’ve now been able to secure a fantastic location for you in the heart of the community. "This brings us a significant step closer in being able to deliver improved access to cash services to individuals and businesses in Knaresborough."[caption id="attachment_68131" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] A similar banking hub in Acton.[/caption] Nick Garrett of Knaresborough Connectors said:
“Many of Knaresborough’s frail residents tell us they prefer services, especially financial ones, to be face to face as online services aren’t accessible. "We’re delighted that a location for the Banking Hub has been chosen and look forward to working with the Hub alongside residents to reduce financial exclusion."Charlotte Gale from Knaresborough & District Chamber said:
"Better banking and cash access within the town is something Chamber are very passionate about. This is something we've long campaigned for and we're thrilled that a site has now been secured. "As a market town with many small independent businesses and number of large scale town events, we're sure the Banking Hub will be very beneficial to both Knaresborough's residents and local businesses alike.”If you would like to know more about the Banking Hubs please contact: adam.f.taylor@h-advisors.global Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.