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Harrogate BID continues funding for Pubwatch scheme

The Harrogate BID team are supporting Harrogate's Pubwatch scheme.

Harrogate BID has announced it will be continuing to fund and support the town's Pubwatch scheme.

The BID (Business Improvement District) supplies funding on an annual basis to the initiative – which operates under national guidelines to ensure those that attend venues in the North Yorkshire town can do so safely and enjoyably.

But, earlier this year, the BID team also took on a more administrative role with the Pubwatch scheme, monitoring the app and helping with any incident reports and banning orders.

Matthew Chapman, BID Manager at Harrogate BID, said: 

“We’ve always been keen supporters of the Pubwatch scheme in our town. It does a great job of deterring those up to no good away from our venues, helping to create a safe and welcoming environment.

“This year, we thought we’d take a different approach rather than just offering funding. 

“Our team are now slightly more involved with the behind the scenes process, taking some of the weight off the Pubwatch committee who provide their time and expertise in kind.

“We’re delighted to continue to develop our relationship with those that help to make our night-time economy thrive all year round.”

Anyone that causes any trouble in a Harrogate pub or bar can be reported on the app, which could then lead to a banning order across the town lasting from a few months up to a ‘lifetime’ ban. 

If a person is banned from one venue on the scheme, they are banned from them all.

The technology provides instant information on anyone that has caused any issues within the town so that they can be excluded or denied entry to avoid any further problems.

There are currently more than 50 venues signed up to the Pubwatch scheme in Harrogate, with the hope of growing this further in the future.

The owner of one of those is Alan Huddart, who also acts as Chair for the Harrogate Pubwatch.

Alan said:

“Harrogate Pubwatch is grateful for the continued support of Harrogate BID both in terms of their financial and administrative support of the scheme.

“Their ongoing funding ensures that venues can participate in the information sharing process without any cost, which makes Harrogate Pubwatch such a success in combatting violent, antisocial and other disruptive behaviour in the town’s many licensed premises.

“There are currently 55 venues in the scheme and 77 people are banned from entering all participating sites, for a whole range of reasons from taking or dealing drugs to carrying weapons.”

The BID is hoping to work alongside the Pubwatch scheme to launch a series of new campaigns to support pubs and bars across town in 2025.

Further developments with these plans are likely to be launched in the new year.

Any venues looking to sign up for the Harrogate Pubwatch scheme should email the scheme on either hgpubwatch@gmail.com or info@harrogatebid.co.uk

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