The seventh Great Knaresborough Bunny Hunt has raised a whopping £4,919 for charity.
The family event, organised by Painting Pots owner Laura Dudley, saw children hunting for ceramic eggs hidden around Knaresborough during the Easter holidays.
Bunny-hunters purchase maps from designated spots around the town, with proceeds donated to chosen charities Harrogate young carers, Resurrected Bites and Mamas Matter CIC.
The event also saw 1,044 maps sold and 25 prizes donated.
And after the Bunny Hunt, the ceramic bunnies are auctioned off, which this year saw an additional £565 raised.
Organiser Laura Dudley told Your Harrogate:
“The positivity and enthusiasm from local families, businesses and supporters for this years bunny hunt has been incredible.
"So many people took part and it was wonderful to see the town full of visitors.
"I'm so pleased with how the hunt has gone and how it continues to grow... I'm already planning next year's event!"
The ceramic bunnies are hand painted in designs, patterns, and inspired by characters and recognisable personalities and products.
Those who took part used their maps to find the bunnies, fill in their form and hand them back in to receive a sweet treat, a sticker and entry to a daily prize draw.