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Fundraising ceilidh to raise vital funds for Ripon's Men's Shed

Ripon's Men's Shed is aiming to raise £45,000.

A Ceilidh fundraising event is set to be held later this month to allow Ripon's Men's Shed to purchase its own premises.

The charity group was created to bring men together in the same way that the WI, Knit and Natter and similar groups bring women together.

They currently rent from New Life Church but in 18 months the property will be sold - presenting an opportunity for the group to purchase it.

£45,000 is needed to meet the building's asking price.

And to help raise funds, a Ceilidh event will be held at Ripon's Claro Lounge on Sunday 21st July, from 7pm.

The evening will feature performances from The Harrogate Band and The Stray Chords.

A spokesperson for the group said:

"The “challenge” is for us to be able to raise £45,000 to meet the asking price and associated survey and legal fees before the closing date of 11th May 2024.

"Whilst we have built a small war-chest of funds we would need to raise the vast majority of this sum from other sources. Grant applications could not be completed and sums awarded in the available timescale.

"Ripon Men’s Shed is therefore asking the people of Ripon and you to come together to support what has become a much valued, appreciated and integral part of the community. Without this support Ripon Men’s Shed could cease to operate in 18 months."

The Men's Shed is a charity organisation with members around the world, originally started in Australia.

It contributes to, and works hand in hand, with the public, local organisations, and charities with repairs, refurbishment or special projects that need that certain bespoke item.

If you would like to help Ripon Men's Shed raise money you can book tickets to attend the Ceilidh here.

Alternatively, if you can't attend the event and would still like to help, you can visit their GoFundMe page here.

For more information about the Men's Shed, visit their website: https://menssheds.org.uk/sheds/

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