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Christmas fun day raises £1,000 for Harrogate special needs charity

Harrogate-based charity Oscar's Pathway hosted a family fun day on Saturday.

A family fun day has raised more than £1,000 for a local charity that supports people with special needs.

Oscar’s Pathway is a Harrogate-based day provision for adults with learning disabilities, autism, complex communication and sensory needs. 

The charity hosted a festive family fun day at Harrogate Grammar School on Saturday (7th December).

The day included arts and crafts, sensory play, soft play and sensory lights, games, a bouncy castle, face painting and more.

And Oscar’s Pathway has revealed they were able to raise £1,003.

A spokesperson for the charity said:

“We had such an amazing family fun day. Thank you to everyone who donated and came and made it such a lovely day! 

“We raised a massive £1003, which will make a big difference to our charity.”

Oscar’s Pathway

A project of The Sibling Group, Oscar’s Pathway is a charity started by a local SEND teacher Grace Williams.

It runs trips and groups for children who have a disabled sibling but themselves do not have a disability. 

The inspiration for the Charity came from Grace's own personal background - Grace's younger brother has Autism and learning disabilities. 

The Sibling Group aims to bring children of similar ages and circumstance together to enable them to create lifelong relationships with one another and allowing them time away from home to build their own confidence, skills and enjoy group trips.

Grace said: 

“All adults that attend Oscar's Pathway are at an exploration stage. 

“We offer a wide range of activities including sensory exploration, arts and crafts, cooking and life skills and trips into the community. 

“Our activities help to desensitise our service users to everyday activities that they may otherwise find overwhelming, with a view for them to eventually be able to participate in said activities frequently with ease.”

If you are interested in the provision, please contact Hannah on hannah@thesiblinggroup.org.

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