Following the passing of Econ Engineering boss Andrew Lupton, local businesses, friends and family have raised over £15,000 in his memory for Harrogate Hospital.
£15,000 raised for Harrogate Hospital in memory of Ripon businessman Local businesses have joined friends and family of a much-loved Ripon businessman to raise more than £15,000 for Harrogate Hospital in his memory. Econ Engineering boss Andrew Lupton passed away suddenly in January 2022. Harrogate Hospital cared for Andrew in his final moments, prompting his family and friends to launch a fundraising campaign for the hospital's charity. And after raising more than £15,000, the funds will help to purchase an MRI compatible ventilator monitor for use in Harrogate District Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Andrew spent his final hours in the ICU department and the donation of this equipment will aid in the care of future patients. The ventilator monitor will allow clinical staff to accurately assess patients during transfer and ensure they can receive MRI scans while they remain ventilated. Fundraising campaign Loved ones and local businesses paid tribute to Andrew by donating to Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity (HHCC) through a JustGiving page set up by Andrew’s Family. HHCC are aiming to reach the additional fundraising goal of £80,000 needed to purchase the ventilator through their own donations page. Dr Martin Huntley, Intensive Care Medicine Clinical Lead for Critical Care said:
"As a service that is required to provide urgent lifesaving treatments to patients, it is important that we are able to perform specialised investigations like MRI in a timely manner. "Currently, we would need to transfer intensive care patients to another hospital to get an MRI as we don't have the specialised equipment that is needed to monitor and support their breathing during the test. "An MRI compatible ventilator and patient monitoring system will allow us to provide this investigation for our patients at Harrogate for the first time ever."Sammy Lambert, Business Development, Charity and Volunteer Manager for HHCC, said:
“We are incredibly grateful for everyone’s kind and generous fundraising in memory of Andrew. “This piece of equipment will enhance the experience of patients when they are transferred, benefit the work of our incredible staff at Harrogate District Hospital and leave a lasting in legacy for many years to come. “Our Director of Strategy, myself, some of the Charity and ICU Team and members of the public will take on National Three Peaks Challenge to raise vital funds for this equipment. “Please donate, if you can. HHCC could not go above and beyond the provision of the NHS to fund equipment such as this ventilator without the generosity of our supporters who we are so grateful to have.”A spokesperson for Econ Engineering said:
“Econ are fully supportive of this project and would encourage as many people to support this fundraising effort where possible, which will help aid as many patients as possible in the future.”Visit Harrogate Hospital and Community Charity’s donation page here to support the campaign for life-saving equipment. Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.