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Police increase patrols to help Harrogate residents get home safely

North Yorkshire Police and Harrogate Borough Council have launched a campaign to help residents get home safely over the Christmas period. The 'Get Home Safely' campaign will see an increased number of police foot patrols across the district. It's being shared with bars, nightclubs and restaurants across the Harrogate district to help people enjoy their night out safely. And the key messages of the campaign are to encourage people to enjoy themselves and plan their route home in advance, look after one-another, look after their possessions and watch their drinks. Along with posters and digital messaging being displayed across the district, the borough council have spoken to members of Harrogate Pubwatch who are actively supporting the campaign. Councillor Mike Chambers, Harrogate Borough Council’s cabinet member for housing and safer communities, said:

"The festive period is often a time when people catch-up with friends and enjoy themselves in pubs and restaurants, and we want them to be able to do so safely. "The Get Home Safely campaign will remind people how they can enjoy their night-out by ensuring they plan their journey home in advance, watch-out for one-another, and look after their drinks and possessions.. "For many, this will be the first festive period since before the pandemic, that they have celebrated the festivities and we want them to remember it for all the right reasons by staying safe, and following the latest Covid-19 guidance and advice."
Statistics show that domestic abuse incidents increase during bank holiday periods, so this campaign also aims to highlight emotional and practical support available through IDAS.  Chief Inspector Andy Colbourne, from North Yorkshire Police, said:
"The police and council continue to work in partnership to make the Harrogate district a safe place for all to enjoy the Christmas and New Year festivities. “The support of licensed premises in the Get Home Safely annual campaign is particularly prevalent this year and we hope that everyone enjoys a safe night out."
Lauren Doherty BEM BCAv, from Road Safety Talks was left paralysed during a night out with friends, said:
"A moment of distraction during a night out can change your life forever. Have fun, enjoy yourselves and get home safely."
Read more local stories from Your Harrogate here.

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